demers’ sustainable approach

DEMERS’ SUSTAINABLE APPROACH is made up of objectives for the sustainable development of the product we manufacture and our activities’ footprint. These objectives are based on performance indicators that enable us to more than just describe our achievements.

By developing more sustainable products, we also help our customers meet their own sustainable economic, environmental and social objectives.

Our management philosophy, over 60 years of experience in vehicle modification and manufacturing and our ongoing research and development efforts are some of the strengths that enable us to manufacture ambulances that are increasingly respectful of the environment. We contribute tirelessly to building a better future on the environmental, social and economic fronts.

Demers Ambulances works toward sustainability through:

Energy Consumption

Objective: Reduce the amount of energy used to produce our products.

Demers Ambulances did not wait for regulations to be imposed in this area. We took concrete steps to achieve this objective. For example, replacing all of the light bulbs in our manufacturing plant, offices and service center helped reduce our energy consumption by close to 15%.

Reducing energy consumption has a direct impact on manufacturing costs and therefore on the price of our products.


Objective: Optimize the recycling program

Demers has implemented a program to increase the rate of reuse for manufacturing waste from the production of ambulances and parts. Waste reuse has a direct impact on manufacturing costs and therefore on the price of ambulances.

In the plant, special recycling bins for plastic, aluminum, paper, and cardboard and wire were installed on the entire production line. For example, every month, we recover 1.5 metric tons of cardboard and paper alone.

The recycling program works in hand-in-hand with the reuse of manufacturing waste to reduce the amount of solid waste that is sent to the landfill. Our offices and all employees areas now feature recycle bins for paper and cardboard, bottles and cans.


Objective: Make Demers Ambulances the most responsible on the road.

To achieve this objective, Demers has implemented a program to help EMSs reduce costs and fuel consumption. ECOSmart technologies are innovations that are in line with our sustainable objectives and that deliver on our customers’ expectations to save lives—and save on costs.


  • Aerodynamic Design
  • Lightweight Materials
  • Anti-idling System (DEMS)


Objective: Increase our productivity in order to maintain our high quality standards while limiting manufacturing costs.

Demers has implemented a program to increase the productivity of our assembly line, which directly impacts on manufacturing costs and therefore on ambulance prices.

The following actions helped to significantly increase the productivity of our manufacturing processes:

  • Measuring and evaluating our progress
  • Developing our human resources to upgrade the organization’s competencies:
    • Empowerment of employees and team leaders
    • Establishment of better work methods and training of all employees via our internal trainers
  • Improving communications to foster employee commitment

We also considerably improved the quality of the product on the first attempts, reduced the number of repair hours per month, and we cut the number of overtime production hours to nearly 0.


Objective: Increase the Health, Safety and Well-Being Index.

Health and safety is a fundamental component of our philosophy at Demers Ambulances. Protecting employees is a daily concern for all team members.

We currently have several initiatives to manage activities while ensuring an optimal work environment for all of our employees:

  • Involvement of all employees in our prevention activities
  • Health and Safety Council that meets on a monthly basis
  • Individual protective equipment for employees
  • Proactive resolution of work injuries
  • Crisis Management Plan

In 2010, Demers Ambulances employees received a Health and Safety Innovations Award from the CSST, Quebec’s health and safety regulatory board.


Objective: Attract and retain a qualified workforce

“Our employees are our most important asset”– Alain Brunelle, President and General Manager

Since its foundation in 1960, Demers Ambulances has believed that the company’s team members are its primary asset. Their expertise, experience and skills place them at the forefront of the emergency-vehicle industry. Many have considerable experience in the ambulance industry, either as paramedics or EMS providers (service owners). This range of experience contributes to our understanding of our customers’ needs and expectations.

Demers Ambulances makes it a point of honor to contribute to each team member’s professional development on an ongoing basis. This is one of the key factors that have allowed us to achieve world-class status!

Demers Ambulances put in place the following major projects for plant employees:

  • Implementation of a principle of core competencies, guaranteeing proficiency in these competencies for employees gaining access to key positions
  • Development of our team leaders, in order to empower them in the area of operations management and to strengthen their team-management skills
  • Development of mechanical and electrical training to standardize work methods
  • Development of internal trainers with the mandate to train all production employees on the appropriate mechanical or electrical modules
  • Internal training to enable employees to acquire key competencies (welding, basic electricity, crimping, etc.)
  • And many other training courses that help our employees achieve the set objectives


Objective: Be an active player in the Emergency Services Industry and in the local community.

Demers Ambulances takes concrete action by being a partner and/or sponsor of the following organizations, among others:

  • Corporation des Services d’Ambulances du Québec
  • Emergency Medical Services Chiefs of Canada
  • American Ambulance Association
  • Association of Municipal Emergency Medical Services of Ontario
  • Saskatchewan Emergency Medical Services Association
  • Festival d’été de Beloeil
  • And many other local efforts in the communities where Demers Ambulances is located